Financial PlanningFee-Based
Financial PlanningThe difference between product and strategy is the cohesiveness of a solid financial plan.
When products are being purchased simply for the sake of accumulating assets or building a portfolio, there is a likelihood that the products eventually develop their own financial path and may even cause a lack of coordination in the execution of your overall plan. When a strategy is created, your goals should be taken into consideration, your current financial state should be reviewed, and in turn, new opportunities can developed. A financial planning strategy allows you to make thoughtful decisions when determining which products may or may not be right for your lifestyle.
From Financial Products to Financial Planning
It’s not about the individual products you have – it's about the strategy that you implement.

Financial Planning
Your Future Unlocked
A financial plan is your blueprint. It is your playbook to guide you through decisions that directly and indirectly affect your financial future. It is our job to work with you on documenting all aspects of your life that could potentially create some type of financial impact on the future. This is what we call the comprehensive planning process. From collecting data on an auto insurance policy to looking at your child’s future education plans, all elements are considered.
Using all the factual data collected in conjunction with significant life events, personal elements including short- and long-term goals and other players involved such as a business, partners, or family members, we create an in-depth financial plan that you can use as your own personal blueprint to map out the future of your financial world.
Financial implementation is taking your financial plan and putting it into action. It is about taking the blueprint that we created and acting upon it as a guide for all financial decisions. Together, we will use your plan as a guide to execute a strategy that will help you reach your goals. It is the act of building and growing all the elements of your financial plan in a dynamic, unifying way.
The Investment
As there are two parts to what we do, there are two different ways we charge for our services as your financial advisors. The first, our fee-based financial planning consultative service, means that we charge our clients for the time, work, and preparation of developing a customized and elaborate financial plan. This includes the following:
- Accessibility to our team on an as-needed basis
- Online planning technology with a secure client login
- Fiduciary responsibility to service clients strictly in their best interests
- Regular reviews and check ups
- Documentation and analyses
- And more
If a client decides to utilize our resources to help implement their financial plan, additional fees could arise through the financial investment or insurance products that may be purchased. These fees come in the form of commissions which is an industry-standard practice set forth by financial institutions.
The Investment
As there are two parts to what we do, there are two different ways we charge for our services as your financial advisors. The first, our fee-based financial planning consultative service, means that we charge our clients for the time, work, and preparation of developing a customized and elaborate financial plan. This includes the following:
- Accessibility to our team on an as-needed basis
- Online planning technology with a secure client login
- Fiduciary responsibility to service clients strictly in their best interests
- Regular reviews and check ups
- Documentation and analyses
- And more
If a client decides to utilize our resources to help implement their financial plan, additional fees could arise through the financial investment or insurance products that may be purchased. These fees come in the form of commissions which is an industry-standard practice set forth by financial institutions.
Fee-based financial planning offers clients a variety of benefits that may not otherwise be present when focusing on creating a plan for your financial world. With the creation of a full blueprint analysis that could help guide your decisions during every day purchases, major life events and experiences, and preparation for retirement and future goals, you will have access to your own personal comprehensive planning process that considers all aspects of your life. As you grow, the plan grows. Additional benefits include the following.
- Reassurance of your financial world being aligned and on track with your short- and long-term goals
- Expansion of financial service offerings and solutions
- Documentation and technology available for thorough analyses
- Fee transparency
- Commitment, knowledge, and comprehensive fiduciary-based financial planning implementation